MJE13005 - NPN, silicon plastic power transistor. For 115 and 220V switch-mode applications such as switching regulators, inverters motor controls, solenoid/relay drivers and deflection circuits. Vceo(sus) = 400Vdc, Vcev = 700Vdc, Veb = 9Vdc, Ic = 4Adc, Pd = 75W.

MJE13005 Datasheet

Информация:NPN, silicon plastic power transistor. For 115 and 220V switch-mode applications such as switching regulators, inverters motor controls, solenoid/relay drivers and deflection circuits. Vceo(sus) = 400Vdc, Vcev = 700Vdc, Veb = 9Vdc, Ic = 4Adc, Pd = 75W.
Темп. режим:Min: -65 | Max: 150
Кол-во выводов:3
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