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Aavid Thermalloy

Founded in 1964 as Aavid Engineering, Aavid Thermalloy is the oldest and largest business devoted exclusively to solving thermal problems. We have built our track record by placing world-class engineering resources at the disposal of our customers and helping them solve the heat problems associated with electronic and high-power devices, across a wide variety of markets.
Aavid Thermalloy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aavid Thermal Technologies, Inc., part of their major investment in technology. Recognizing early on the importance of technology to meeting the future demands of thermal management, Aavid Thermal Technologies acquired Fluent, our sister computational fluid dynamics software company, in 1995. Applied Thermal Technologies, a thermal design services company, was launched as our other sister company in 1997.
These, together with the investment we’ve made in advanced manufacturing technologies, have positioned Aavid to be the Total Integrated Solution for Cooling Electronics, delivering:
+ World-class thermal design services
+ Thermal flow analysis software
+ Worldwide, quick-ramp, high-volume manufacturing
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