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AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)

AMD была основана в 1969 году. Штаб-квартира компании находится в Саннивейле (шт. Калифорния). AMD входит в число пятисот крупнейших американских компаний. Компания производит процессоры, флэш-память, логические устройства, телекоммуникационные и сетевые продукты.
“The era of technology for technology’s sake is behind us. Innovation driven by real customer needs — ‘customer-
The three keys to AMD’s customer-centric innovation.
centric innovation’ — is the new path to leadership.” –Hector Ruiz
Founded in 1969 and based in Sunnyvale, California, AMD provides microprocessors, Flash memory devices, and silicon-based solutions for our customers in the communications and computer industries worldwide.
However, our focus goes beyond integrated circuits and transistors. AMD is committed to helping our customers — and their customers — take advantage of the phenomenal capacity of silicon to add value and help differentiate their offerings. To that end, AMD products are developed with customer needs always in mind and not for the sake of innovation alone. Stated more plainly, it means that AMD exists to provide real solutions for real customer problems that exist in the real world today.
We refer to this philosophy as “customer-centric innovation,” and it represents the guiding principle behind everything we do at AMD.
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