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Производители электронных компонентов /
Central Semiconductor Corp.

Our Hauppauge, Long Island, New York, based facility serves as our corporate headquarters, design center, manufacturing hub, and sales and marketing operation.
Our company was founded in 1974 by present management, and spent its first few years as a private label manufacturer, building devices for some of the world's leading discrete semiconductor manufacturers. In time, the product base was expanded to its present offering which includes:
* Small Signal Transistors
* Power Transistors
* General Purpose Rectifiers
* Ultra Fast Rectifiers
* Fast Recovery Rectifiers
* Schottky Rectifiers
* Bridge Rectifiers
* Current Limiting Diodes
* Zener Diodes
* Schottky Diodes
* Switching Diodes
* SCRs
* Triacs
* Small Signal MOSFET
In 1987, we made a substantial investment in the emerging technology of Surface Mount Devices. Today, SMD accounts for about 70% of the our total revenue.
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