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Coto Technology

Coto went on to produce the first ever surface mounted reed relays in 1983, the world's smallest SMD reed relay in 1994, and the first patented reed relay with >8 GHz performance in 2001. In 1998 Coto acquired the Philips Dry Reed Switch Division in The Netherlands, a world leader in reed switches, to form Coto Technology, B.V. For Coto's reed relay division, owning a switch factory provides two critical benefits for its customers: 1) it minimizes potentially disruptive supply fluctuations that affect relay delivery and lead times and 2) it allows for control of the core technology of the reed relay. Coto's continued investment in technology development supports new product advancements that service the needs of Coto's relay division, as well as that of its reed switch and sensor customers. An example of this is the 2002 release of the RI-80, the world's smallest commercially available reed switch with 5mm glass length.
Today, Coto is a worldwide market leader of small signal switching products sold into the Automatic Test Equipment, Data Acquisition, Instrumentation, Process Control, Telecommunications, Medical and Security markets. Coto specializes in the manufacture of custom relays. Non-standard package sizes and pinouts, custom coil and shielding designs, and multi-pole configurations are common variables. Coto relays are capable of carrying up to six amps, and can provide switching currents up to four amps along with 10-15 KV switching. Coto relays are qualified to the highest electrical test specifications in the reed relay industry. To improve efficiency, enhance responsiveness and increase capacity, Coto has renovated its relay manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and Mexico by investing in additional manufacturing automation technology. Manufacturing processes utilizing ergonomic workstations, coupled with fully automated winding, wire termination, molding and laser marking increase efficiency while ensuring high levels of quality. Also, a Learning Center provides Coto employees with educational opportunities, enhancement of job skills, and operator certification.
To further strengthen Coto's position as the leading reed switch manufacturer, Coto has invested substantially in its Netherlands switch factory on capacity expansion and manufacturing automation. Coto has installed new automated equipment for blade forming, blade welding, electrical test and vision systems for inspection, which together improve productivity and enhance quality. The addition of several new sealing mills improves responsiveness, adds overall capacity for further growth and supports our continued efforts to expand product offerings.
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