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Easy Braid Co

With products, packaging, and flux technologies constantly changing—particularly in the development of water soluble and no-clean fluxes, fine pitch components and arrays—high quality and consistent performance is essential. By manufacturing in compliance with ISO9002 standards, and through our strict adherence to Statistical Process Control (SPC), Easy Braid Co. can assure you the highest quality products and guarantee the consistency of that quality.
Easy Braid Co.’s wick products are made using ultra fine, oxide-free copper braided into a weave configuration which maximizes thermal conduction and solder retention. Immediately after braiding, the wick is cleaned in an environmentally friendly process unique to Easy Braid Co. Every precaution is taken to ensure that the braid remains oxide-free until it is coated through our proprietary flux process. Our closed weave design requires less time for desoldering, thus minimizing lifted pads and thermal damage and absorbing up to 30% more solder mass. This enables an operator to get on and off a connection quickly, using less wick to accomplish the task.
Easy Braid Co. applies the same technologies to its stencil rolls for optimum cleaning while using the least amount of paper to absorb most solder paste. Unlike other stencil roll manufacturers who re-spool readily available paper to fit various screen printers, Easy Braid Co. utilizes a paper that is specifically designed for maximum absorption of solder paste in a stencil-cleaning environment.
Our newest product, the VPI-Optical Inspection System is one of the finest pieces of inspection equipment for BGA reflow analysis available in the electronics market. Equipped with the NovaScope™ lens to check for bridging, cold solder joints, and shorts, the VPI-Optical Inspection System is able to inspect under array packages with heights as low as 0.002” (0.051mm) and with clearances of 0.043” (1.1mm) between components. A compact, high-resolution CCD camera linked to a flat screen LCD display produces unparalleled clarity and sharpness. On-screen magnification of 5X to 245X and a focus distance of 0-3” (0-76mm) insures that even the most advanced array packages will be examined by this unique system. The VPI-Optical Inspection System is synergistic with the other high reliability products that Easy Braid offers for the post-assembly process.
Easy Braid Co. utilizes the sales support and services of over 200 representatives located throughout the United States and in 20 additional countries spanning six continents. Our international sales base continues to grow and strengthen with each new Easy Braid Co. advancement.
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