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Производители электронных компонентов /

This commitment to quality has been most recently manifested by the company receiving Professional Lab Accreditation for its EMC Test Lab by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). The laboratory meets the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. Other examples of pioneering in quality leadership include becoming the first in its field to achieve ISO 9001 certification (BVQI 84530), SPC manufacturing techniques and qualification to MIL-Q-9858. Grayhill was also the first switch manufacturer to achieve Preferred Supplier status with the leading computer and communications companies.
In addition to its innovative engineering and manufacturing, Grayhill has also been a marketing pioneer. From its inception, its products have been available to customers, not only on a direct basis, but also through a national and international network of stocking distributors.
ISO 17025 Certificate and Scope
ISO 9001:2000 Certificate-USA
ISO 9001:2000 Certificate-Schenzehn, China
Grayhill, Inc. employs 600 people and occupies 182,000 sq. ft. in its four worldwide locations.
561 Hillgrove Avenue
La Grange, IL 60525-5997
Phone: 708.354.1040
Fax: 708.354.2820
Satellite manufacturing facilities are located in Carpentersville IL, Iola WI and Shenzhen, China.
Key Personnel
Gene R. Hill, CEO
Tom O'Malley, President, Components Division
Steve Warton, Marketing Manager, Components Division
Dan Ott, Engineering Manager, Components Division
Leslie Milan, Operations Manager, Components Division
Richard K. Neumann, Sales Manager
Paul Slattery, Distributor Sales Manager
Mike Jamiolkowski, International Sales Manager
Brian May, President, Systems Division
Keith Hansen, Vice-President, Operator Interface Products
Rob Haller, Manager, Automation Products
Jim Happel, Marketing Manager, Systems Division
Ken Hoving, Vice-President, Corporate Quality
Jerome J. Klingenberger, Vice-President, Administration
Grayhill sells internationally through independent local manufacturers' representatives and a network of local, regional, and national stocking component distributors for switch products and industrial distributors for industrial control products.
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