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Since 1951 Hitachi AIC has become a world leader in the manufacture of quality capacitors; offering an excellent variety of capacitors to serve your design needs. Throughout the vast number of Hitachi product lines, quality has become the key to Hitachi's reputation. The capacitors manufactured by Hitachi AIC maintain the same high level of standard synonymous with the Hitachi name. We are a vertically integrated company, meaning that we not only make the capacitors, but we also manufacture the equipment that makes the capacitors. Additionally, we also manufacture our own foil. To serve our customers in the most ultimate way, Hitachi AIC has over 1600 employees, 15 factories, and 3 aluminum foil processing facilities. Our company vision is focused to help the customer by providing product availability, cutting edge design, superior quality, and timely delivery.

Сайт производителя: http://hitachiaic.com/