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Hyundai LCD

Hyundai's specialty has been LCDs for mobile communications, PDAs and automotive applications, which are continuing robust growth. In the future, Hyundai is going to expand its business areas into Color STN, TFT and OLED Technologies. By adding new technology to our years of accumulated experience, Hyundai is eager to become a world class leader of small and medium size displays.
The one principle that has not changed is thinking of our customers as our foremost priority. Customer satisfaction always has been, and always will be, the fundamental at Hyundai.
New corporate mark of Hyundai LCD logo is a simple and soft wordmark type and represents company's future-oriented focus ased on cutting edge LCD technology. Navy Blue was selected as a main color to represent an enterprising company, a global corporate image and a corporation's willingness to be a leader in LCD ndustry.
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