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Производители электронных компонентов /
Kester Solder

• Lead-Free Solutions
• Solder pastes
• Bar solders
• Liquid fluxes
• Solid and fluxed cored wires
• Tacky soldering fluxes (TSF)
• Ultra-Spheres ®
• Solderforms ®
• SE-CURE ® advanced materials
• A full spectrum of global customer technical support
• Kester University – training and consultancy services
(currently available in N.A. region only)
Throughout the world, Kester's products are known for their high quality and advanced technology. Kester's QS-9000, ISO-9001, and ISO 14001 certifications ensure Kester's partners of this dedication to quality and environmental responsibility.
In addition, our experienced Kester Team will is prepared and trained to solve your manufacturing questions across the world. At Kester we believe smart products plus knowledge equals solutions and this is what we offer the electronics assembly industry.
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