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Knowles Acoustics

Knowles Acoustics is a division of Knowles Electronics LLC, the world leader in subminiature microphone and speaker technology for the Hearing Health Industry. Leveraging the company's heritage of 50 plus years supplying acoustic expertise to this market, Knowles Acoustics have applied this capability to new markets and customers including Mobile, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Sensors and Instrumentation, Civil Communications, Military, Medical, and Specialty Applications to name but a few. Our mission is to improve the acoustic interface and simplify the manufacturing process for our customers' products.
Knowles has a global presence of Sales, Marketing, Engineering and Manufacturing. With ISO certified offices and factories located in the key economies of the world, we offer global design and application support for our acoustic component technologies and solutions. Knowles' global presence ensures fast turnaround time, and exceptional price/performance.
Knowles is the first company in the world to successfully develop a silicon microphone based on surface mount, MEMs technology, and is a leading driver in Far Field Technology. Offering exceptional turn-around time to meet your important deadlines is standard operating procedure at Knowles Acoustics. This practical support facilitates our customers' drive for a shorter time to market, a reduced component count, and ultimately a reduced total cost of acoustic product ownership. Knowles' professional staff consists of specialists who offer proven capabilities for each phase of the business cycle. Whether it's product development or marketing, sales or distribution, Knowles is structured to be both responsive and reliable.
Neil Armstrong spoke his famous words through our microphone when walking on the moon aboard Apollo II. Our EK-3132 microphone was aboard the Mars Polar Lander, specifically in the Mars Microphone. Many professional musicians know the quality and performance of our component technologies through use of "In-the-Ear Monitors".
Knowles actively partners with many of its customers to design and produce innovative acoustic solutions. Projects range from minor modifications of existing products to completely new concept designs. When it comes to Knowles' engineering & customization capabilities, you will not find a source more dedicated to your requirements. Simply put, Knowles values your unique needs, and is committed to offering you flexibility, creativity, and a superior technological product.
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