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MSI Sensor

MSI Sensor is a leading designer and manufacturer of sensors and sensor-based consumer products. MSI Sensor produces a wide variety of sensors that use advanced technologies to measure precise ranges of physical characteristics including: pressure, motion, force, displacement, angle, flow, and distance. The Company uses multiple advanced technologies including: piezoresistive applications, application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), and piezopolymers. They also use strain gages to allow their sensors to operate precisely and cost effectively.

Companies rely on MSI Sensors’ technology to enable sensing for their most critical applications. Their goal is to help you design and build a superior product at a competitive price – to provide you with a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Ares Series
The IC Sensors Ares is a small, low-cost pressure transducer capable of measuring pressures as low as 0 to 5 inches of water or 0 to 0.2 psi. Sensitivity to extremely low pressure combined with the small physical size, the temperature compensation, and amplified output make this device ideally suited for application such as HVAC control, medical equipment and air flow monitoring.

Сайт производителя: http://msisensors.com/