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Customers: Our customer base has increased dramatically over the years, and now includes more than 150 consumer and investor owned utilities, municipalities, power pools, large industrials and power marketers who have come to know Powerex as a customer focused, highly flexible, reliable provider of energy solutions.
Products and Services: We offer our customers a variety of products and services that can be tailored to meet their changing daily and seasonal energy needs. Products like energy and capacity, and services like energy exchanges, natural gas trading and more. We can provide power for days, weeks, months or longer, and our fully staffed real-time trading desk means we're open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A variety of financial alternatives enhances our customer offerings.
Resources: As a physical supplier of power, our portfolio of resources is second-to-none. We purchase power from a wide variety of energy providers in BC, western Canada and across the US; and are marketers, on behalf of the BC government, of the highly reliable Canadian Entitlement power from the Columbia River Treaty. Combine this with our access to the flexibility and robust nature of BC Hydro's hydroelectric system, and we offer superior value to our customers.
Marketplace Expertise: At Powerex we've developed a strong understanding of and expertise in the complexities of marketplace rules and transmission systems that enables us to efficiently and economically move power between regions to where our customers need it. And we've got all the necessary licenses and permits, from both Canadian and US regulators, to allow us to do business now, and for years to come.
Commitment: Powerex is a team of industry professionals committed to working with our customers to make deals happen. We place high value on integrity and trust. We believe that when our customers win, we win. And we pride ourselves on our ability to build and nurture mutually beneficial relationships.
About BC Hydro
BC Hydro is a Crown Corporation of the province of British Columbia, and the third largest electric utility in Canada, serving more than 1.6 million BC customers and generating between 43,000 and 54,000 GWh of electricity annually.
BC Hydro has constructed a world-class integrated hydroelectric system of close to 11,500 MW of generating capacity - over 10,000 of which are hydroelectric. Hydro's backbone electric system is interconnected with the western US by two 500 kV transmission lines on the west coast between BC and Washington, one 230 kV line connecting BC and Washington on the east side, and a 500 KV line to the east, connecting BC with Alberta.
Powerex's access to the flexibility of the BC Hydro system enables us to add value and shape power deliveries to customers across the western interconnected electric system.
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