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Производители электронных компонентов /
Quantum Research Group

Mitchell Point Headquarters
Our Technology
Our patented QT technology is more stable and more accurate than other types of capacitive switching and has a dynamic range of several decades. It involves charging a sense electrode - which can be anything electrically conductive - then transferring that charge to a detector comprised of another known capacitor. The charge transfer acquisition process is carried out in burst mode using microprocessor-controlled switching of MOSFET transistors. The presence of external capacitance caused by an object such as a finger affects the flow of charge to permit sensing.
Spread-spectrum sensing mode uses sparse, randomized charging pulses with long delays between bursts. Individual pulses can be as short as 5% or less of the intra-burst pulse spacing. The benefits of this spread-spectrum approach include lower cross-sensor interference, reduced RF emissions and susceptibility, and very low power consumption.
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