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Simpson Electric Company

Simpson has always been a customer driven company. Even as far back as 1927, Simpson meters were helping our customers make history. In fact, Ray Simpson was asked to build the indicating mechanism for the earth inductor compass used by Charles Lindbergh's historic solo transatlantic flight.
This honor was only the beginning of Simpson's groundbreaking innovations for its customers. Simpson also innovated the use of Lucite-illuminated meter faces to provide better visibility, and the first compact "all-purpose" volt-ohm-milliammeter, the "260," became standard for military use during World War II. This unit is so well built we recently had a veteran request service on the unit he used in 1947!
Simpson's resourcefulness continued into the space age, when fourteen different types of Simpson meters were used during the Apollo space missions, including two-movement, cross-pointer instrumentation used by ground controllers, and the ammeter so critical to the safe return of the Apollo 13 crew. The 1985 purchase of Simpson by the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians heralded another generation of Simpson design, including a modular design approach to new products.
Modularity gives Simpson customers access to full-featured performance, while only paying for the functions they use. It is this attention to customer demands that has built Simpson into the widely-recognized quality manufacturer it is today. And it is this commitment to superior customer service and strategic design that will carry Simpson far into the next millennium.
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