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Производители электронных компонентов /
Tyco Electronic Power Systems

We offer a complete range of standard isolated and non-isolated dc-dc converters with over 1500 products to choose from. These range between 3W to 500W output power. This innovative product range features efficiencies reaching 94%, high-power densities, and extraordinary reliability. Typical demonstrated mean-time-between-failure greater than 1 million hours (some with more than 2 million) and a three-year warranty are standard. With Tyco Electronics, you get a world-leading manufacturer of standard DC-DC converters.
In case special requirements extend beyond Tyco Electronics' broad offering, custom AC-DC and DC-DC power solutions can be developed rapidly with extensive Tyco Electronics design and manufacturing using advanced methods.
Tyco Electronics provides carrier class power systems products for all applications ranging from our all-in-one power shelf solutions like the YUKONTM to the GALAXYTM product family offering both 24V and 48V up to 10,000 amps. These power system products are highly scalable and are designed around modular building blocks enabling our customers to grow as their need grows-keeping upgrade cost to a minimum.
We offer more than complete lifecycle power systems solutions. We provide the system design, installation and network management services together with consulting and project management services. With over 400 service and installation engineer across North America our professional services are uniquely positioned to service our customers local needs.
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