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Производители электронных компонентов /
Tyco Electronics

Products from well-known brand names include connectors/interconnection systems, terminal blocks, relays, circuit protection devices, fiber optic components, wire and cable, and switches.
Innovative Technologies That help You Build What's Next
There is no industry that evolves as rapidly as electronics.
Over the past five years, Tyco Electronics has kept pace; rapidly growing to become the world's largest passive component manufacturer. Based on the interconnect technology leadership of AMP products, Tyco Electronics has added a full complement of leading component brands -- including Raychem, Elcon, P&B, M/A-COM, CII and many more - to offer customers an unparalleled portfolio of connectors, relays and circuit breakers, active and passive fiberoptic components, wireless products, power components, resistors and inductors, motors and myriad others across 25 product segments.
Tyco Electronics' ability to serve your present and future requirements is realized through the synergies of a strong R&D program, expertise in materials science, product design and process engineering, and our network of knowledgeable application engineers, sales representatives and customer service personnel. We want to help you make your next generation of products successful.
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