The Vishay Spectrol product group is a full line of variable resistive products, including precision potentiometers, trimming potentiometers, position sensing components, motion transducers, turns-counting dials, and accessories. A wide range of both single-turn and multiturn devices are available, and many different terminal configurations including surface mount models are offered. The Vishay Spectrol portfolio features sensing transducer-type potentiometers used primarily in the automotive industry and trimmer potentiometers used in various electronics circuitry. Vishay Spectrol products complement the Vishay Sfernice transducer product line and strengten Vishay’s market position in potentiometers.
Recent additions to the Vishay Spectrol product range include a compact, single-turn rotary potentiometer with advanced design technology that can incorporate add-ons such as cables to simplify fitting in equipment. This product can be offered as a complete, assembled solution. Customized options include special electrical angles, mechanical packaging, and custom functions.
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