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Производители электронных компонентов /

XEMICS' products connect human beings and the physical world to the networks - Internet, phone, and others. They cover the last couple of meters/feet. The functionality they provide is sensing, local processing and communication, or in other words, they deliver sounds/voice, pressure, temperature, acceleration, time, position, speed, or other types of sensor data through a short-range wireless link, and in the other direction they deliver data/commands to the sensors and actuator.
XEMICS combines its core technologies: sensor interfacing / data acquisition, 8 bits RISC microcontrollers, low frequency to UHF RF transceivers, audio Codecs, GPS, and emerging Bluetooth™ together with the low-power design technology and expertise to provide wireless connectivity silicon solutions for autonomous battery operated and/or power sensitive terminal equipment.
Ultra low-power, short-range connectivity solutions for terminal equipment to:
Sense > the physical world (pressure, sound, temperature, acceleration, position, time, speed etc.) and give feedback
Process > incoming/outgoing information to provide desired functionality
Communicate > with a personal area or local network.
In the areas of:
Industrial/process control:
XEMICS' sensing machines, which can be combined with XEMICS data transceivers. Transport/Asset tracking can be achieved with XEMICS' GPS receiver, data acquisition and short range wireless products for data logging and active ID tags. Medical/Pharmaceutical portable, battery operated remote telemetry, diagnosis and drug delivery systems, could benefit from short range wireless communication and data acquisition.
Personal Area Systems:
XEMICS' data acquisition, UHF narrow band, CODEC and Bluetooth technologies can be applied in Portable Communications, Portable Computer and Portable Consumer goods. For example XEMICS' wireless headset which has a combination of microphone/loudspeaker interface (codec), baseband processing and wireless link to the phone or computer for VoIP.
Building/Home Automation:
including automated energy meter reading/energy management, HVAC, security, lighting, temperature/climate control, home appliances, can all benefit from XEMICS' short range UHF narrow band transceiver and data acquisition MCU.
Automotive systems:
security/anti-theft, access control and future car entertainment systems will all require short-range wireless systems. GPS is increasingly used for in-car navigation systems.
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